How to prep for live music & gigs

Concert halls are getting filled up, aux cables are unwinded - here is a simple guide on how to prepare for live music and gig shows

How to prep for live music & gigs

Concert halls are getting filled up, aux cables are unwound, and you’ve taken out your hard case to get ready for your first gig show of the year. If you’ve forgotten how to prepare for gigs and live music and gig shows, we’re here to remind you.

1. Polish your own performance

Listen to the songs you will be performing for live music and gig shows on repeat. Pay attention to the main melody line and hum to it. After you’ve memorized the dynamics, build up and quiet down, and general melody of the song. Pay attention to your parts; note down which parts you are having trouble with and practice those parts more until you perfect it.

Yoyoka playing drums - How to prep for Live Music and Gigs

2. Practice with your band

If you haven’t already worked out — decide who will be leading each of the songs in terms of the direction for live music and gig shows. If there is more than one guitarist, figure out who will do the rhythm parts versus who will be doing melody and ad-libs. Make sure that when you come together, everyone knows what they will be doing for each of the songs before coming together.

Band rehearsals shouldn’t be about learning the songs or playing the songs correctly.

Yoyoka and her family playing together - How to prep for Live Music and Gigs

3. Get your gear ready

It’s probably been a while since you’ve played a show. If you haven’t performed any maintenance on your instrument since the start of the pandemic, now is the time to do so. Whether it’s restringing your guitar, getting a new pair of heads for your drum kit or something else, make sure your gear is in perfect condition for live music and gig shows. The last thing you want is to start your set with a broken instrument.

4. Stage performance

Besides perfecting the sound of the band as a whole, your band rehearsal should also focus on your stage performance for live music and gig shows. Rehearse some lines that you are delivering to your audience. Pay attention to your body language and eye contact. If you are standing or sitting, where will you be facing? If you are moving around, where will you be walking towards and which band member will you be interacting with while playing.

5. Have a checklist and schedule

Jitters can start showing up the day before or on the day of live music and gig shows. Make sure that you have a checklist of gear you need to bring. Pack it up in one case or one bag. Extra strings? Your Soundbrenner Core 2, Laptop and charger for your keys DAW system? Create a schedule and agree on the timing with everyone.

Make sure that you have ample amount of time before soundcheck just to calm your nerves and prep with the team.

6. Enjoy

When all things fail with live music and gig shows, just have fun; you’ve done your best to prepare and nothing will come out of worrying too much.


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